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网址:www.osmanlibt.com  2020-11-02  作者:admin    阅读:

After copper sulfate dissolves in water, the free copper ion can destroy the activity of oxidoreductase system, hinder the metabolism of insect body or make the protein of insect body combine into protein salt. At present, it has become a common insecticide and algal agent for fishermen. However, if it is not used properly, it will not only have no effect of killing insects and treating diseases, but also affect the growth of fish and even cause poisoning and death.
There are many kinds of organic acids on the market. It is recommended that you choose the ones with high content, and it is better to concentrate them. When using them, they are usually used in large quantities and are easy to carry. Super concentrated organic acid, super concentrated formula, five times concentration; detoxification and detoxification, water purification; suitable for dealing with pesticide residues, algal toxin poisoning, heavy metal exceeding the standard, abnormal water quality and other scenarios: alleviate the poisoning and stress reaction of breeding animals, accelerate the release of toxins in the body, improve the transparency of water body, and stabilize the pH value of water body
Therefore, attention must be paid to the following matters when using copper sulfate:
(1) 虚拟货币钱包app:硫酸铜的毒性与水温成正比,因此一般应在晴天上午使用效果较好,依水温相对减少用量;
(1) The toxicity of copper sulfate is directly proportional to the water temperature, so it should be used in sunny morning, and the dosage should be reduced according to the water temperature;
(2) The amount of copper sulfate is directly proportional to the water fertility, organic matter and suspended solids content, salinity and pH value. Therefore, the appropriate amount of copper sulfate should be selected according to the specific situation of the pond;
(3) When the water body is alkaline, copper sulfate should be used carefully to avoid the formation of copper oxide toxic dead fish;
(4) The safe concentration range of copper sulfate to fish and other aquatic animals is small, and the toxicity is high (especially for fish fry), so the dosage should be calculated accurately;
(5) When dissolving, do not use metal utensils or water above 60 ℃ to prevent losing efficacy. After dosing, oxygen should be fully increased to prevent dead algae from consuming oxygen, affecting water quality and causing flooding;
(6) Copper sulfate has certain toxic and side effects (such as hematopoietic function, feeding and growth) and residual accumulation, so it can not be used frequently;
(7) Copper sulfate should not be used in the treatment of cucurbit and powdery mildew.
Copper sulfate poisoning mainly causes the reduction of red blood cells and white blood cells, necrosis of liver and kidney, and destruction of hematopoietic tissue. In case of copper sulfate poisoning, fresh water should be added in time, and the antidote for water quality protection should be sprinkled throughout the pool.

